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Strip that Salad

Let’s talk about our friendly neighborhood SALAD. It has become a go-to-meal for many. Most convenient, appetizing and so called Healthy Salad. But is it really that diet-friendly? Or is it just another myth saying eat a salad and you will be able to reach your summer body goals?

The answer to these questions lies in the dressing of our salad.

So let’s start stripping the salad and debunk some myths.

1. Diet-friendly Salad

Simply because something that contains vegetables doesn't make it healthy. Sometimes, salads are laden with highly processed cheese or topped with processed mustard and packaged mayonnaise, which are in fact packed with emulsifiers and preservatives and are generally not very healthy. Additionally, we insist on scrutinizing the type of oil used in the dressing and the manner in which the veggies are rinsed.

2. The boring salad

No salad is boring. A basic salad can rival a meal from a restaurant if the ingredients are combined well. Look up the right references—from salad guru Yotam Ottolenghi's creations to Jamie Oliver's bright toss-ups that taste better than an average biryani. A salad's ingredients, proper flavor balance, brilliant colors, and varied textures are what makes it more intriguing.

3. Salad and summer body goals

Salads that include cheese, almonds, and avocado are calorie-dense but nutritious. Experts claim that there is no such meal for losing weight and that eating salads alone would not help. Make sure to incorporate both exercise and healthy food into your routine in order to lose weight in a healthy way.

4. Salad is not enough

You can make a salad out of anything. Consuming salads with carbs, protein, and fat is advised. Foods that go well together to provide a filling and enjoyable dinner include vegetables, fruit, cheese, meat, eggs, beans, dressing, and nuts. Furthermore, the high water and fiber content of most salads will keep you feeling full for longer. Consider combining a salad with a fast carbohydrate source (like bread or a sandwich) to help quell your early hunger. This will help if you desire a salad but still struggle to make it satisfying.

5. Less or no greens, less healthy

Warm salads or salads that include cooked and raw vegetables are significantly more enticing menu options. A salad is not just about leaves, you can also add nuts, grains, roasted vegetables, and other ingredients to your salad, there is an amazing and fabulous variety in texture and flavor. Your salad should have at least three different vegetable types. One of each color—an orange carrot, green broccoli, and a red tomato—is the simple guideline.

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