The several different vitamins and minerals serve different functions in our body. Having healthy amounts of the various vitamins helps boost our immune system, heal wounds, energize us and help repair cell damage.
These are just a few of the many ways they help our overall health, but it's important to know when you might be lacking some of them. By catching it early, you can prevent it from becoming a deficiency. Here are some (not all) signs of deficiency and sources.
Vitamin Deficiencies and Sources
Vitamin A
Signs of deficiency: Dry skin, dry eyes, delayed wound healing
Sources rich in vitamin A: Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach
Vitamin B12
Signs of deficiency: Depression, irritability, brain fog
Sources rich in Vitamin B12: Eggs, milk, meat
Vitamin D
Signs of deficiency: fatigue and weakness, muscle cramps more than usual
Sources rich in vitamin D: milk, eggs, cheese, orange juice.
Vitamin C
Signs of deficiency: irritability, swollen gums and poor gum health, poor wound healing, loss of appetite
Sources rich in vitamin C: lemons, potatoes, tomato, oranges, amla, tamarind
Vitamin K
Signs of deficiency: poor wound healing, i.e., blood takes a lot of time to stop after even a minor cut, blood in urine or stool
Sources rich in Vitamin K: leafy green vegetables, soybeans, pumpkin
Mineral Deficiencies
Signs of deficiency: weakness, dizziness, low immune support
Rich Sources: dried fruit, seafood, red meat, beans, dark green leafy vegetables
Signs of deficiency: brittle bones, broken bones may take too long to repair, low bone density
Rich Sources: almonds, leafy vegetables, dairy products
Signs of deficiency: unexplained weight gain, thyroid complications, learning difficulties in young children
Rich sources: iodized salt, dairy products, fish
Signs of deficiency: muscle twitches, muscle weakness, osteoporosis
Rich sources: dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts.
We hope you never experience these symptoms, but if you do, consult your doctor. Consider this a gentle reminder to take care of your health and eat a well-balanced meal. If you are looking for where to start, check out Swap’s range of high-protein and nutrient-rich meals, smoothies, and meal plans at pocket-friendly prices.